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Up Next in Mishnah Snapshots: Personal Glimpses of Rabbi Yeshua

  • #78 ✡ Gittin 4:5-9:10

    How do you explain the Torah condoning slavery?
    What's the first commandment in the Bible?
    Have any encouragement for me if I'm single?
    How does the Hebrew for NOT doing away with the Law mean more?
    How do you prove to Hebrew Israelites that white Jews aren't fake?
    How did the Apostles and Rab...

  • #79 ✡ Kiddushin 1:2-1:10

    How is marriage a picture of holiness?
    How long did couples wait between betrothal and marriage?
    Is there a difference between servant and slave mentalities?
    Why does Scripture say to owe nothing to anyone?
    How did legal manumission preach the Gospel?
    What exactly was nailed to the cross? The Law...

  • #80 ✡ Kiddushin 1:7-4:14

    How did Yeshua's adopted father Joseph raise him?
    Why do some commandments only apply to men, or in Israel?
    Could a man legally betroth his beloved through his 'apostle'?
    Is there a difference between "apostles" and "Apostles"?
    How are spiritual gifts, and sufferings, betrothal gifts?
    What exac...