Hebrew Quest #14 ✡ Izzy's Hebrew Journey | Simple Verbs | Why Hebrew 5: Revival
1h 26m
Izzy’s Hebrew Journey (39 minutes, starts 00:00)
By this time you may be curious to hear your Hebrew teacher's story. How did he learn the language, and what inspired him? Did he grow up Jewish or Christian? Izzy's story here leaves you hanging with him as a 29 year old still filming Hebrew Quest. Since then many wonderful things have happened and his passion to teach Hebrew from a Messiah-centered perspective has grown even stronger!
Simple Verbs (29 minutes, starts 39:02)
What if you don't recognize a verb form, can you figure it out from context? Why do they always use the verb "to kill", and how do you run through all the forms of that verb without becoming a dangerous person? If Hebrew doesn't have verb tenses like past present and future, what does it have? And what are the simple forms for complete, incomplete, continuous, and commanding action?
Why Hebrew 5: Movement Figurehead (19 minutes, starts 1:07:49)
Paul wrote with overwhelming hope of a future "fulfillment" and "acceptance" for the Jewish people which would culminate in all Israel being saved. What would he have given to see his words begin to come true in the Messianic Jewish movement today? What would YOU give be be a part of this prophetic move of God? And what role does the Hebrew language play in all this?